Looking for places to visit but do not want to go to “mainstream” places or popular spots? If you are a fan of horror movies, you might want to visit these places that provided the setting of these horror (or thriller) films. The beauty of it is you may get to experience or feel what the characters in the film went through as you immerse yourself. Here are five places to visit straight out of a horror movie.

Elm Street House (Nightmare on Elm Street)

For starters, the house is NOT located on Elm Street in Springwood, Ohio. Rather, come to 1428 North Genessee Avenue in Los Angeles. It is currently owned by Angela Hill who bought it in 2006 and had it renovated though that famous façade still remains. Since this is private property, respect must be shown at all times not only to the owner (you need to ask permission) of the house but the surrounding neighborhood.

Timberline Lodge (The Shining)

The Overlook Hotel is setting of the film The Shining that starred Jack Nicholson and Shirley Duvall. It is based on the novel by Stephen King. King was inspired by a different hotel in Colorado (The Stanley). For the film, the Timberline Lodge in Fraser, Colorado is used as The Overlook Hotel. Director Stanley Kubrick chose this when looking for an ideal location which could not be accomplished in a studio. Visitors love to book Room 217 which was the main focus on film (though it is actually Room 237 in the film but 217 in Stephen King’s novel). It is said Kubrick was told not to film scenes in the said room because it may scare future visitors who might take the room.

The Lighthouse from The Fog

This lighthouse is the setting from John Carpenter’s second film The Fog. In the film, the protagonist Stevie comes here to host a radio show and it is here she sees the titular fog closing in on the town and this is where the horror begins. This particular lighthouse is the Point Reyes Lighthouse in Inverness, California, and it is often covered with fog which adds to the excitement or horror for visitors.

Palazzio Vecchio (Hannibal)

If you are a fan of the Hannibal series of novels and films, you might want to go to Palazzio Vecchio in Florence, Italy at Piazza della Signoria. The place is the scene of a gruesome murder committed by Hannibal Lecter. In the film, an Italian police detective encounters Hannibal disguised as a curator. Hannibal, set him up, cuts out some of his organs and hangs him over a balcony next to the statues of the plaza.

Frank N. Furter’s Mansion (Rocky Horror Picture Show)

Furter’s mansion in the movie is actually the Oakley Court Hotel in Windsor, Berkshire County in England. It is here the movie’s main characters Brad and Janet ended up after their car breaks down. During the time the movie was filmed, the building had no working utilities. But now, it has become a fully functioning hotel which retains the original structures from the film despite going through numerous renovations. So it is a far cry from what Brad and Janet saw and you get to enjoy the amenities and admire the English countryside.